Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fitness Is a Tool for Preventing Breast Cancer

Here is a great article talking about the importance of fitness as it relates to breast cancer.
10 years ago getting a workout in was not convenient. Gyms and fitness centers only available in the bigger cities and towns. And if you were fortunate enough to live near one you had to sign your life away. They usually wanted 2-5 year contracts signed, and if you moved away they would hunt you down with a collection agency by their side trying to collect the remainder of your contract. 
These days getting in a workout close to home is easier than ever thanks to companies like 
Snap does not use contracts, you pay month to month or you can pay months in advance if you like. They are open 24 hours a day, have security cameras, tanning beds, and are conveniently located  in Conifer.
If you've always thought that getting a good workout in a friendly, clean environment meant driving down the mountain, and you just couldn't find the time for it, Then you're in luck.
Just call Natasha at the Snap fitness in Conifer and let her show you how easy it can be.

Conifer Snap Fitness

25597 Conifer Rd
The Village @ Aspen Park
Conifer, CO 80433

Phone: 303-838-2122
Staffed Hours
Contact Us

Monday, March 23, 2009

Edgy Sport Portraits - A new Look on an old Idea.

Conifer Lobos BB Player
Originally uploaded by RLLewis
Sports portraits. All parents want to record the way their student athelete looked in their respective uniforms. I offer a more modern, edgy look to my "sportraits". A lot of moms have expressed their desire for "something different" and I have listened. I like to work closely with the athlete and parent to come up with the perfect look for each individual.
You can see some examples of these style of portraits at my website.